Flashmob of a symphony orchestra in the streets of Sabadell

technical sheet

Sabadell is the name of a Catalan Spanish city, in the province of Barcelona. It's also the name of a bank, the Sabadell bank. And when, on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the bank, the latter organizes a flashmob in the city of the same name, it gives rise to a lot of emotions.

Sabadell, place of health Roc, 18h on 19 May 2012.

At the beginning of the video, we see a little girl donate a few coins to a musician in the middle of the square with his double bass. Once the money is deposited, he begins to play his instrument and she remains admiring in front of him. Very soon, the musician is joined by another artist and the little girl will then attend a succession of musicians joining the artist to form an orchestra and a choir performing a magnificent musical performance.

In total, there are about a hundred people playing different instruments, (double basses, violins, horns, trombones, clarinets, etc.) or singing who find themselves in front of the public, smiling, happy to attend this nice show . There is even a conductor.

Children dance, adults sing. Everyone is fascinated, happy. The little girl is always in front of the stage, admiring.

The improvised orchestra brings together more than a hundred people from the following organizations: Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics from l'Òpera and Coral Belles Arts choirs.

Today, tens of millions of people have watched the video.

Recall :

A flashmob is when a group of people performs a public performance (singing, dancing, etc.) that was not expected from people around but totally organized by flashmob participants who usually disperse afterwards.

We can also find this video under the name of "Best piece never spent".

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Flashmob of a symphony orchestra in the streets of Sabadell


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