Jokes about marriage

A colorful wedding

At a wedding ceremony, a girl asks her mother:

- Mom, mom, why the lady, she is dressed all in white?
- Well, it's to show that she's happy, it's a color that announces happiness, to say that her love will last forever.
- Ah, ok ... but why the man then he is all black?

A wedding full of surprises

During a wedding ceremony at the town hall, when the Mayor announces "If there is a person who opposes this marriage, it is manifested now or she will be silent forever."

Then, from the back of the room, there is a pregnant woman who got up and started walking down the aisle with a 3 year old child. The groom was sweating, the bride fainted. All hearts were drum-pounding.

When she arrives in front of the mayor, she says: "You can repeat, when we are behind, we do not hear well!"

The commitment to the army

In a military training camp, two people discuss:

- Why did you join the army?
- Because I'm single and I like war ... And you?
- I am married and I wanted peace!