Jokes about work

Without P

A man comes for a meeting at the Social Security office.

- What is your name ? asks the employee.
- Andrew ... without P.
- Sorry ?
- Andrew ... without P.
- I do not understand. Can you repeat ?
- Andrew! Without P ...
- But in Andrew, there is no P ...
- It's been three times that I tell you!

A boss wants to hire an accountant

A boss wants to hire an accountant for his business.

He says to himself, at first, that he will look for a soldier. They are rigorous, disciplined people, etc.
The interview goes well, and before saying goodbye, the boss still asks the former officer if he knows how to count.

- But yes of course ! the military responds.
- Very good. Go a little, to see.
- A two, a two, a two ...

The boss thinks and then says that he is going to look for a computer scientist. They are logical, intelligent, etc.
The interview is going well, and in the end he asks the same question.

- No problem, says the computer scientist. Zero one, zero one, zero ...

Finally, the boss has an illumination: he will hire an official! They are honest, conscientious, etc ...
The appointment is quickly dispatched, and then comes the moment of the famous question:

- Yes, of course, says the official: One, two, three ...
- Well, keep going ...
- Four, five, six, seven, eight ...
- Great ! A little more ?
- Nine, ten, valet, lady and king

All racists in the company!

Angry, the young Moustapha goes to find his boss and tells him:

- I can not work at home anymore, sir, all your employees are racist!
- What? What are you talking about here? Whether there is one or two, I do not mind, but surely not all.
- Yes, I tell you they are all! In fact, I did a test to be sure: I asked them a question, and they all gave me the same answer!
- A question ? But what question?
- I asked them what they would think if we exterminated all the Arabs and all the hairdressers.
- The hairdressers? Why hairdressers?
- Ah, you see, you too!